Thanks to compassionate landowners, our executive director has admitted six (6) residents in the In His Time, LLC, Recovery Residence for Males. Donna Mae decided it is time that our community has a place for people struggling to be sober -- many of whom were experiencing homelessness.
Durango's women's recovery residence opened in September with 5-6 beds. As of 12/8/2024, four beds are filled. To be on the waitlist, please notify us at DonnaMae@in CCO is accepting donations to help individuals pay their first month's rent to In His Time, LLC. Your donations will help us provide peer-based recovery support and services through our Recovery Empowerment Support Services Team Program.
About In His Time, LLC Donna Mae Baukat is the owner/manager of In His Time, LLC, for which she is also a certified peer and family specialist with training in Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT). She decided that our southwest region needs to have recovery residences for many people who suffer alcoholism and substance use disorders with co-occurring mental health issues. The Colorado Agency for Recovery Residences is expected to certify the homes operated by the LLC. Community Compassion Outreach, as a partner, provides each resident the Recovery Empowerment Support Services Team Program with one-on-one engagement as needed, as well as weekly group workshops.
Since March 2022, we provide peer-based recovery support services to our unhoused peers who suffer with substance misuse (substance use disorders) of alcohol and/or drugs, opioids and mixed substances.
A huge gap in service presents a need for women with children who are experiencing homelessness! We believe they should be housed in a home where drugs and alcohol are not allowed. There are women living in an apartment that do not have access to a recovery support program. Those women--who may or may not have children living with them, also need a home free of drugs and alcohol!
They would be monitored closely and our Recovery Empowerment Support Services Team would provide peer support. Peer Support Professionals are trained with a minimum of 60-hours education through the Connecticut Center for Recovery Coach (CCAR) training. We have access to Colorado certified trainers. Community Compassion Outreach Peer Support Professionals have lived experience with substance use disorder and/or co-occurring mental health issues, some experienced homelessness and were in the criminal justice system. Their recovery for more than one year provides their peers with patience, understanding and compassion during the long journey toward recovery.
Instead of therapy, we provide a wide-range of empowering, motivating and encouraging self-determination within our support & services program. Education about addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders offers our peers to be aware of their strengths and their capital. Awareness helps individuals to be in the moment--rather than being out-of-focus in the external forces that comes through the people we know, or within the environment we spend most of our time; and for those much-needed basics (food, warmth and shelter).
Referrals for sober-living are welcome! Donna Mae Baukat, CPFS [email protected]